The Potency of Resistant Starch Formation and Antioxidant in the Making of Secang Rice


  • Franciscus Sinung Pranata Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
  • Ekawati Purwijantiningsih Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta
  • Yuliana Reni Swasti Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta



Kata Kunci:

aktivitas antioksidan, ekstrak secang, nasi secang, pati resisten, total fenolik., aktivitas antioksidan, ekstrak secang, nasi secang, pati resisten



Secang (Caesalpinia sappan) is known as a red coloring agent in histological staining. One of the active components found in Secang is the brazilin compound. These compounds are reported to have biological activities such as hypoglycemic and antioxidants. The formation of resistant starch in traditional food processing such as secang rice as an effort to reduce blood glucose levels has never been reported. The aims of this study were to determine the total phenolic and antioxidant activity of secang wood extract in the manufacture of secang rice, and to determine the levels of resistant starch of secang rice with different concentrations of addition of secang wood extract. This research was conducted using 4 treatments of secang wood extract, control (without secang wood extract), 5 mL, 7.5 mL, and 10 mL of secang wood extract. The parameters analyzed were total phenolic, antioxidant activity (DPPH) in secang extract and secang rice, and content of resistant starch in secang rice. The results showed that the total phenolic extract of secang wood was 3524.03 ± 20.42 mg GAE / 100 g of the sample and the percent inhibition of free radicals was 94.01 ± 1.76%. The higher the addition of secang wood extract to 10 mL is, the higher the total phenolic and percent free radical inhibition in secang rice. The highest total phenolic and percent free radical inhibition was found in rice which was added with 10 mL of secang extract, i.e. 13.75 ± 0.96 mg GAE / sample and 75.77 ± 0.77%, and the highest resistant starch content was 1.6 ± 0.24%.



            Secang (Caesalpinia sappan) dikenal sebagai bahan pewarna merah dalam pewarnaan histologi. Salah satu komponen aktif yang terdapat pada secang adalah senyawa brazilin. Senyawa ini dilaporkan memiliki aktivitas biologi seperti hipoglikemik dan antioksidan. Pembentukan pati resisten dalam pengolahan pangan tradisional seperti nasi secang sebagai upaya menurunkan kadar glukosa darah belum pernah dilaporkan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui total fenolik dan aktivitas antioksidan ekstrak kayu secang dalam pembuatan nasi secang, serta mengetahui kadar pati resisten nasi secang dengan konsentrasi penambahan ekstrak kayu secang yang berbeda. Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan 4 perlakuan ekstrak kayu secang yaitu kontrol (tanpa ekstrak kayu secang), 5 mL, 7,5 mL, dan 10 mL ekstrak kayu secang. Parameter yang diuji adalah total fenolik, aktivitas antioksidan (DPPH) pada ekstrak secang dan nasi secang, serta kadar pati resisten pada nasi secang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa total fenolik ekstrak kayu secang sebesar 3524,03 ± 20,42 mg GAE/100 g sampel dan persen penghambatan radikal bebas 94,01 ± 1,76%. Semakin tinggi penambahan ekstrak kayu secang hingga 10 mL, maka semakin tinggi total fenolik dan persen penghambatan radikal bebas pada nasi secang. Total fenolik dan persen penghambatan radikal bebas tertinggi terdapat pada nasi yang yang ditambah 10 mL ekstrak secang yaitu 13,75 ± 0,96 mg GAE/sampel dan 75,77 ± 0,77%, serta kadar pati resisten tertinggi sebesar 1,6 ± 0,24%.


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Cara Mengutip

Pranata, F. S., Purwijantiningsih, E. ., & Swasti, Y. R. . (2022). POTENSI PEMBENTUKAN PATI RESISTEN DAN ANTIOKSIDAN DALAM PEMBUATAN NASI SECANG: The Potency of Resistant Starch Formation and Antioxidant in the Making of Secang Rice. Pro Food, 7(2), 32–40. https://doi.org/10.29303/profood.v7i2.201

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